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To advance our theoretical and pragmatic understanding of Critical Special Education research, the editors of the forthcoming proposal for a Handbook of Critical Special Education invite you to join in a virtual conversation with other critical scholars in special education. This serves as a platform for interested scholars to increase networking opportunities and brainstorm the promise and the power of Critical Special Education. Please share with others in your networks this open invitation to engage in 60-minute virtual conversations. In this initial stage of the conceptualization process, we encourage scholars of color and members of culturally diverse communities to develop collaborative pathways to advance our vision and advocacy for social justice, instructional equity, and wellness in special education. Here we will develop new relationships, discuss current polemics in special education, and collaboratively brainstorm promising critical research agenda to address perennial issues in research and practice. Our main objective in this virtual conversation is to collectively define what critical special education is and how it can leverage scholarship from the field of special education and existing critical disability fields, like DisCrit and Disability Studies in Education

We hope you can join in our conversation to explore and develop a bricolage of ideas. We invite a profound critical analysis of current theoretical frameworks and established lines of scholarship to generate a new research agenda that ultimately serves the needs of students with learning differences. For additional information, see the Open Call for Chapter Proposals.

To register for the October 27, 2023 Virtual Conversation at 1 PM PST (4 PM EST; 2 PM MST), use this link.
Eric B. Claravall – California State University, Sacramento
Amy L. Ferrell – University of Colorado, Denver