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Don’t miss these upcoming events from the Division 15 Race and Diversity Committee!

Syllabus Challenge – July 29-Aug 2

Join us for a 5-day online asynchronous challenge to learn about anti-colonial and anti-racist frameworks and read, reflect, and act on your educational psychology syllabus. Sign up on this Google Form or email apadiv15syllabuschalleng[email protected] if you have any questions.

Critical Conversation on Building an Anti-Colonial Educational Psychology Syllabus @APA2024 – Aug 8 11am

Join us for an interactive session on revamping educational psychology syllabi to include anti-colonial and cultural perspectives. Our panelists will share their experiences with the Div 15 Race and Diversity Committee’s Syllabus Challenges. They’ll talk about what worked, what didn’t, and offer practical tips for various teaching contexts. After the panel, we’ll break into small groups for a Q&A and to discuss your own next steps

Race and Diversity Committee Social @APA2024 – Aug 9 7pm
Join us at the Hot Stove Society Loft Bar (2000 4th Ave) for networking, highlights of the Race and Diversity Committee’s work this year, and refreshments. Attendance is free but limited to 40 guests. Sign up using this link to receive the Evite.

Trip to the Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center @APA2024 – Aug 10 10am
As part of our commitment to learn more about Indigenous perspectives and take an anti-colonial approach to our work, we will visit the galleries at the Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center, which hosts a permanent collection of Native art, as well as rotating exhibits by Native artists. We will leave from the Convention Center at 10am. Admission is free. Sign up for group transportation on this form.

Understanding Anti-Racist and Anti-Colonial Approaches to Research
Missed our research skills presentations? Watch on YouTube and stay tuned for the next event in our series!

Join the Race and Diversity Committee
The mission of the Division 15 Race and Diversity Committee is to advance the capacity of educational psychologists to incorporate race and diversity into their research, teaching, and service and promote the work of scholars in these areas. If you are interested in joining the committee beginning in August, contact Christy Byrd at [email protected].