Sponsored by Division 15 Policy Committee
The APA Division 15 Policy Committee invites Division 15 members and educational psychology researchers to submit policy briefs for publication as part of the Division 15 Policy Brief series. The briefs synthesize and reconceptualize educational psychology research to address policy issues of importance.
The goals of this initiative are to:
- Generate interest in education policy issues.
- Create opportunities for educational psychologists to disseminate their policy-related research.
- Communicate policy-related research in an easily digestible, timely, and actionable manner.
We encourage scholars with diverse backgrounds and perspectives to apply. Policy briefs should address timely education policy issues and make explicit connections with the field of educational psychology.
Authors must be researchers in educational psychology and must be fellows, members, associates, or affiliates of APA Division 15. Individuals who are not currently APA Division 15 members should consult the Division’s website on how to become a member at www.apadiv15.org/join. Applicants must have a conferred doctoral degree; however doctoral students can be included as co-authors. Applications will be considered from individuals working in educational organizations (e.g., higher education institutions, school districts), advocacy organizations, policy and research centers, or other organizations that include a research ethics committee. Example policy briefs are also available on this website under the publications link.
What to Submit and How the Proposals Will Be Assessed
Members of the APA Division 15 Policy Committee will blind review submissions to identify which proposals will be accepted. Proposals should not exceed 500 words (reference section does not count towards the word count). Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria using a 5-point scale:
- Description of Topic/Problem Area: Author describes the topic area that will be the focus of the brief and describes who the policy impacts and how.
- Description of Scope: Author describes the target audience – to whom will the policy brief aimed and why?
- Connections Between Educational Psychology and Education Policy: Author makes connections between educational psychology concepts/areas (theoretical and/or empirical) and education policy.
- Timeliness/Relevance of Topic: Author addresses a topic that is current and timely and of widespread interest to policymakers.
- Policy Recommendations: Author briefly describes potential recommendations (and supporting arguments) and if any additional research or policy analysis will be conducted.
- Accessibility of Language: Language is clear, concise, and engaging.
- Author Includes Potential Reviewers (1-2 experts from the field) and References.
Policy Brief Timeline 2025-2026
- May 1, 2025 – Deadline for policy brief proposal submissions.
- June 1, 2025 – Selections are finalized, and authors notified.
- 1, 2025 – Deadline for draft of policy briefs. Selected authors receive feedback from the committee and any expert reviewers.
- October 15, 2025 – Final policy briefs submitted. Briefs should not exceed 1,250 words, excluding references.
Resource Information for Policy Brief Writers
Some additional questions to consider when writing your policy proposal and brief are included below:
- Why is this policy issue important? What is the problem that is being addressed?
- Who do you hope to impact with this policy brief?
- Clearly stipulate recommendations (and supporting arguments) and the target policy audience (national, state, local—whichever ones are most relevant).
- Are the proposed recommendations realistic (consider issues from a financial, time, and staffing perspective)? Are they politically feasible? Were other possible solutions to the problem considered?
Please email proposal submissions to [email protected] by May 1, 2025.
Questions? Please contact Dr. Michael Nussbaum, [email protected]