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Special Issue of Translational Issues in Psychological Science 
Deadline for Submissions: June 29, 2025 
Guest Editor: Shu-Sha Angie Guan 

We are opening submissions for consideration in a special issue titled “Understanding Stress and Stigma in Immigrant Communities”. The special issue is part of an innovative journal titled Translational Issues in Psychological Science (TPS), co-sponsored by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS). 

For this issue, the editors will consider manuscripts focused on the multifaceted influence of stress and stigma within immigrant populations, examining how stressors and stigmatization affect their mental health, social processes, and access to public resources and services. Specifically, this special issue will invite original, empirical research and conceptual reviews that critically explore the social, psychological, and structural mechanisms through which negative societal attitudes, economic and social stressors, prejudice and discrimination, language and literacy skills, loneliness and isolation, media representations and public policy, and other factors perpetuate adverse mental health outcomes among immigrant populations as well as how immigrants cope and combat these stressors and stigmatization.    

Examples of research relevant to this call for papers includes, but is not limited to:   

  • The psychosocial impacts of stress and stigmatization on immigrant mental health and health disparities
  • The role of social media in shaping the stressors and stigma experienced by immigrants
  • Comparative studies on stress and stigma across different immigrant populations
  • The processes and mechanisms immigrants use to counteract or challenge stress and stigma
  • Interventions that target immigrant stress and intersectional stigma reduction  

Manuscripts submitted to TPS should be co-authored by at least one psychologist in training (graduate student, postdoctoral fellow), should be written concisely for a broad audience, and focus on the practical implications of the research presented in the manuscript. For more information about the journal, including detailed instructions to authors, visit the TPS website. 

The deadline for submissions is June 29, 2025. Please feel free to forward this correspondence to interested colleagues and the psychologists in training with whom you work. 

About the Journal: 

Translational Issues in Psychological Science (TPS) is a critical issues translational journal, with each issue on a different topic representing multiple viewpoints on psychological science. Each issue of TPS concentrates on a single important, timely, and/or potentially controversial theme in translational science that is of broad interest to scientists, practitioners, and the general public. Each article covers a body of basic scientific research and concludes with an application section. 

Each issue is edited by a team consisting of the Special Issue Editor, who is an expert in the topical area, and three mentored Associate Editors, who are psychologists in advanced stages of training (i.e. advanced doctoral students or post-doctoral psychologists).