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APA Urges You to Help Protect Psychology Funding at NSF

Urge Congress to reject damaging cuts and increase funding for psychological science at the National Science Foundation NSF recently released its detailed budget for FY19. Although the budget serves primarily as a guide for Congressional funders, the budget requests...

Division 49 Foundation Awards

The APF Div. 49 Group Psychology Grant ($2,000) supports innovative group psychology research focused toward groups in applied settings. The Group Psychology Grant focuses primarily on processes and performance in non-disordered populations. This may also include...

Call for Nominations: BEA Assessment Guidelines in HSP Training

Call for Task Force Members: The Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) Task Force to Develop Education and Training Guidelines for Psychological Assessment in Health Service Psychology (HSP) Training Task Force Charge: The task force is charged with developing guidance,...

Deadline Approaching: Late-Breaking Poster Session at APA Convention

To enable more graduate students to participate in the American Psychological Association’s 2018 convention, to be held August 9-12 in San Francisco, APA is sponsoring a special late-breaking poster session for cutting-edge research by graduate students in...

Deadline Approaching: 2018 Board and Committee Call for Nominations

The 2018 APA Board and Committee Call for Nominations form can be accessed at the following link  You will need to login using your MyAPA account ID and password.   If you haven’t yet registered for your MyAPA account or...