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Deadline Approaching: 2018 Board and Committee Call for Nominations

The 2018 APA Board and Committee Call for Nominations form can be accessed at the following link  You will need to login using your MyAPA account ID and password.   If you haven’t yet registered for your MyAPA account or...

Division 49 Community Conversation Hour

Given the challenging and sometimes divisive world we live in it is no surprise that we are addressing potentially polarizing topics in group.  An upcoming community conversation hour (hosted by the Division 49 early career psychologist task force) is focused on how...

Statement of APA President in Response to Florida High School Shooting

WASHINGTON, February 16, 2018 — Following is the statement of APA President Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, on the shooting at a Florida high school that killed 17 and injured at least 14 others: “Tragically, our nation is once again confronted with a school shooting,...