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Call for Papers – SPQ Special Section on Grief and Loss

Guest Editors: David J. Schonfeld and Thomas Demaria Deadline: March 15, 2018 It is hard to imagine a more devastating event in a youth’s life than the loss of a loved one. Many youth experience guilt, thinking that they might have caused the death; or they may...

APA Division 47 Message Regarding Athlete Activism

Athletes have a long history of bringing about social change by helping to raise awareness and foster dialogues around issues of inequality and injustice in and out of sport. In recent months, our national attention has turned toward athletes engaged in a movement...

Call for Nominations for Division 15 Fellow Status

Division 15 seeks applications for Fellow status from members who have made distinguished scholarly or scientific contributions to the field of educational psychology.  To be considered for Fellow status in the division during 2018, candidates must have been a member...

Call for 2018 Division 15 Award Nominations

The Paul R. Pintrich Outstanding Dissertation Award Nominate or Apply By January 15, 2018 Division 15 seeks nominations and applications for the 2018 Paul R. Pintrich Outstanding Dissertation Award. The Paul R. Pintrich Division 15 Dissertation Award is given to an...

Call for Proposal Reviewers for 2018 APA Convention

The December 1st deadline for submitting research to the APA 2018 Convention is fast approaching! As such, Division 15 is looking for qualified graduate students, researchers, and practitioners to serve as submission reviewers. If you have reviewed for Division 15...

Call for 2018 APA Convention Proposals

Division 15 invites submissions for the 2018 annual APA convention to be held in San Francisco, CA (August 9-12, 2018). The 2018 Presidential Theme for Division 15 will be Evidence-Based Change through Psychology, Policy, Professional Learning, and Participatory...