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APF’s May Call For Proposals

Approaching Deadlines APF COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant: $20,000 Due May 1, 2020 In response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the American Psychological Foundation is allocating funding to support psychological research that will provide insights that will help...

From APA: Resources Impacting You, the Field, and Society

This is an extraordinary time for psychology, for those served by our field, and for all of us as individuals. APA is ensuring that the work of our field is supported, and that we’re addressing the needs of psychologists and society today, and anticipating the issues...

APA Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) Shares COVID-19 Resources

These are indeed, unprecedented times. We are in the midst of a growing pandemic which is impacting all of us to one degree or another. For many, this is a first experience of a such a widespread medical emergency in their careers. Even for those of us who have been...