Jul 19, 2019
MAY 4-6, 2020 • RIO GRANDE PUERTO RICO, USA 2020 SPECIAL TOPIC MEETING Construction of the ‘Other’: Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Prejudice and Discrimination A developmental science meeting to identify innovative approaches and to create more...
Jun 27, 2019
The AERA Call for Submissions will close on July 10 at 11:59 P.M. PDT. To learn more about the 2020 Annual Meeting, watch this video of AERA President Vanessa Siddle Walker discussing the theme. If you are planning to submit a paper or session for the 2020 AERA Annual...
Jun 11, 2019
To encourage the use of standards-aligned practices, the presenters in this five-part series will share empirically based recommendations, examples, and case studies with the goal of assisting test developers, measurement professionals, researchers, and consultants...
Jun 6, 2019
The American Psychological Association, the American Educational Research Association, the American Academy of Social and Work and Social Welfare, the National Academy of Education, and others will be holding a congressional briefing on Wednesday, June 12th (3:30...
May 3, 2019
Stats Camp’s premier annual event is fast approaching with two knowledge-packed weeks in Albuquerque, New Mexico this June. Take your research to the next level with these advanced courses led by Stats Camp’s faculty of world class instructors. Classes...
May 2, 2019
Learning how to do great science requires a toolbox of skills. Skills for effectively communicating science. To secure funding for scientific work. To identify where and when job opportunities arise. To get the offers to start your first job and build the record to...