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Call for 2018 APA Convention Proposals

Division 15 invites submissions for the 2018 annual APA convention to be held in San Francisco, CA (August 9-12, 2018). The 2018 Presidential Theme for Division 15 will be Evidence-Based Change through Psychology, Policy, Professional Learning, and Participatory...

Call for 2018 APA Convention Collaborative Proposals

For the 2018 APA Convention, APA will continue to implement collaborative programming across divisions as a means of highlighting its unique role as a unifying force in psychology. We invite Division 15 members to propose collaborative sessions that would be of...

Upcoming Taylor & Francis Webinar: Engaging with the Media

Taylor & Francis will host a special webinar on Thursday, October 12 at 9:30am BST, entitled “Engaging with the Media: Reaching Beyond Academia.” Three leading international media experts will be sharing their insights on effective media communication,...

Interdisciplinary APA Conference on Technology, Mind, and Society

The American Psychological Association will hold an interdisciplinary conference on Technology, Mind, and Society in Washington, D.C., on April 5-7, 2018. Scientists, practitioners, policymakers, and students from around the world are invited to participate in the...

Technology, Mind & Society: Submissions Due Oct. 20, 2017

APA is convening an interdisciplinary conference on Technology, Mind & Society in Washington, DC on April 5-7, 2018, focusing on understanding and shaping the interactions of human beings and technology, identifying priorities for future work, and promoting...