Jan 20, 2018
The theme for IWALS 2018 is “Perspectives on the Learner: Cognition, Brain, and Education”. This theme embraces cross-discipline and cross-method perspectives on learning: its neural bases, its cognitive, social and motivational components, and how learning occurs in...
Dec 27, 2017
TUESDAY, JAN 16, 2018 12:00 EDT; 9:00 PDT Please see https://div52.org/index.php/webinars/web-martin2 Cost: $10-25; CE credits additional Description: Creativity in the Workplace By Daniel E. Martin, PhD, California State University Moderator: Lynette Bikos, PhD,...
Dec 4, 2017
At the end of 2016, a three-day National Violence Summit was held at the APA headquarters in Washington, D.C. It involved some of the nation’s leading authorities on the topic of violence—some being school psychologists—at the same table considering a wide range of...
Nov 20, 2017
Fall and winter are always incredibly busy times for Division 15, and we want to make sure that all members are aware of important approaching deadlines: 2018 APA Convention Proposals – Due December 1 (Link) Call for Convention Proposal Reviewers – Due...
Nov 6, 2017
The Center for Integrated Latent Variable Research (CILVR) at The University of Maryland is pleased to announce its very popular WINTER INSTITUTE ON STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING (now in its 21st year)! Two back-to-back short courses for research professionals,...
Oct 17, 2017
The December 1st deadline for submitting research to the APA 2018 Convention is fast approaching! As such, Division 15 is looking for qualified graduate students, researchers, and practitioners to serve as submission reviewers. If you have reviewed for Division 15...