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Call for Proposals: Teaching about Motivation to P-12 Teachers

The Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching series seeks proposals for chapters in an upcoming volume, Teaching Motivation for Student Engagement: In an age where the quality of teacher...

Call for Nominations for 2019 Executive Committee Members

Division 15 seeks nominations (including self-nominations) for Vice President and Treasurer-Elect. Nominations will be reviewed by the Nominations Committee in preparation for a division-wide vote in the spring. The duration of these terms are: Vice President (4-year...

The AERA Grants Program Call for Proposals

The AERA Grants Program seeks proposals for Dissertation and Research Grants, Deadline: October 17th, 2018 The AERA Grants Program emphasizes the advanced statistical analysis of data sets from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education...

Call for Fellow Nominations

Division 15 seeks applications for Fellow status from members who have made distinguished scholarly or scientific contributions to the field of educational psychology. To be considered for Fellow status in the division during 2019, candidates must have been a member...

Call for Nominations – Early Career Psychologist Champion Award

Overview To recognize groups or individuals who champion the interests of early career psychologists. Description The APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) invites nominations for its annual Champion Award. This recognition award is presented to...