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Call for APA Convention Proposals – Division 15 (2020 Convention)

Division 15 invites submissions for the 2020 annual APA convention to be held in Washington, DC (August 6-9, 2020). The 2020 Presidential Theme for Division 15 will be A New Look at Some Old Ideas: Educational Psychology from Yesterday for Tomorrow. We encourage...

Call to Support APA Voting Rights for Graduate Students

Graduate Students comprise the next generation of psychologists, yet they do not have a voice in APA elections. It is time to change this—and we can with your support! If you are a voting member of APA, you will get a ballot November 1 by email. Please vote YES on the...

Support Educational Psychology via APA’s Apportionment Ballot!

If you are an APA member in addition to being a Division 15 member, you have received (or will receive shortly) a copy of APA’s Annual Apportionment Ballot. Because the outcome of this Apportionment Ballot is used to determine the number of seats we have on the...

APA Division 48 Conference: Psychology & Peace 2020

Every day, we hear more and more about how conflicts across physical and psychosocial borders are affecting peoples’ lives. The news is filled with stories of: Family conflict and violence War and its human cost Gun violence Oppression of marginalized groups...

Call for Fellows Applications – December 2, 2019 Deadline

Division 15 seeks applications for Fellow status from members who have made distinguished scholarly or scientific contributions to the field of educational psychology. To be considered for Fellow status in the division during 2020, candidates must have been a member...

Esther Katz Rosen Pre-College Psychology Grant Program

Up to $15,000 to improve the quality of education in psychological science and its application in secondary schools for high ability students. The Esther Katz Rosen Precollege Psychology Grant Program provides financial support for efforts aimed at improving the...