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Call for Proposals: Education Practice Briefs

The Ad Hoc Practice Committee of Division 15 (Educational Psychology) of the American Psychological Association seeks short proposals from members for Education Practice Briefs. The purpose of these briefs is to summarize educational research in an easily digestible...

2020 AERA Division C Early Career Award – Call for Nominations

Drs. Terri Thorkildsen and Ernest Morrell, Co-Chairs Nominations are open for the 2020 competition for the Division C Early Career Award. The award will recognize emerging scholars in the area of learning and instruction. One award will be given each year, if an...

2020 NAEP Doctoral Student Internship Program: Application Open!

AIR is seeking doctoral students to join the 2020 NAEP Doctoral Student Internship Program in Crystal City, VA, which AIR is administering in coordination with and on behalf of NCES. The mission of the NAEP doctoral student internship program is to advance and...

Call for Papers for Special Issue on Latent Variables in Education

Description: Latent variable models are used in educational assessment and much educational research. In 2000, only 12 of 134 (9%) of articles published in five leading educational journals used latent variable models, but by 2010, this increased to 57 of 141 (40%)...