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Call for Papers: Special Issue of Gifted Child Quarterly

Gifted Child Quarterly (GCQ) is planning a special issue on underachievement and achievement motivation as it related to gifted students or giftedness, scheduled to be published in April 2020, and is currently soliciting proposals for manuscripts. We are seeking...

Research Request: Psychology Grad Student Experiences

My name is Unique Melvin, and I am a doctoral student in the APA-accredited Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University. I am currently collecting data as part of my dissertation research....

Research Request – Formative Practices on Learning Outcomes

The Group of Educational Psychology, University of Mannheim, are conducting a meta-analysis on the effect of formative practices on learning outcomes. We are contacting you to check if you have unpublished results on this topic (e.g. theses, dissertations, findings...

Deadline Extended: Division 15 Dissertation Research Awards

Division 15 invites graduate students who are members or affiliates of the division to apply for a Dissertation Research Award. This year’s deadline has been extended to July 1, 2018. The purpose of this award is to provide financial support for educational...