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The Esther Katz Rosen Fund derives from a bequest to support “…activities related to the advancement and application of knowledge about gifted children.”

Program Goals

The Esther Katz Rosen Fund

  • Enables and enhances development of identified gifted and talented children and adolescents
  • Encourages promising psychologists to continue innovative research and programs in this area

Support will be provided for activities on the advancement and application of knowledge related to identified gifted and talented children and adolescents such as:

  • Research
  • Pilot projects
  • Research-based programs


Grants from $1,000 to $50,000 are available

For grants and scholarships that are $10,000 or more, APF will make the award to your institution. APF does not allow institutional indirect costs or overhead costs. Applicants may use grant monies for direct administrative costs of their proposed project. 

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must:

  • Hold a doctoral degree from or be a graduate student at an accredited university for research proposals*
  • Be affiliated with a school or education institution

*Graduate students and early career psychologists (ten years or less postdoctoral) are encouraged to apply. APF also supports pilot projects that, if successful, would be strong candidates for support from major federal and foundation funding agencies, and “demonstration projects” that promise to generalize broadly to other geographical areas and/or to other settings.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated on:

  • Conformance with stated program goals and qualifications
  • Quality and impact of proposed work
  • Innovation and contribution to the field
  • Applicant’s demonstrated competence and capability to execute the proposed work

Proposal Requirements

  • Detailed proposal that makes a case for the need to be addressed; describes the proposed project, methodology and the applicant’s qualifications; and includes a detailed budget and justification and timeline for execution
    • Format: not to exceed 7 pages (1 inch margins, no smaller than 11 point font); one paragraph abstract
    • If questionnaires are referenced in proposals, they must be included with the application
    • If applicable, proposals should describe “participant characteristics” in full detail
  • Appropriate use of assessment is encouraged
  • Current CV
  • Two letters of support

Submission Process and Deadline

Submit a completed application online by March 1, 2017.

Please be advised that APF does not provide feedback to applicants on their proposals.

Questions about this program should be directed to Erin Carney, Program Officer, at [email protected].