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To recognize social issues researchers who have made substantial contributions to the field early in their careers, this award is named for a living person—Louise Kidder—in honor of her own early career accomplishments and contributions to SPSSI.


Nominees should be investigators who have made substantial contributions to social issues research within seven years of receiving a graduate degree and who have demonstrated the potential to continue such contributions. Nominees need not be current SPSSI members.

AWARD: The winner will receive $500 and a plaque.

Click here to view previous Louise Kidder Early Career Award Winners!

The application should include:

(a) A cover letter outlining the nominee’s accomplishments to date and anticipated future contributions.

(b) The nominee’s current curriculum vitae and

(c) Three letters of support.


APPLY ONLINE NOW!  Online submissions are the preferred method.  Please limit the number and size of files uploaded when applying online. 


This is an annual award.  Applications must be received by June 25th. Late applications will be retained for the next year.