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Gifted Child Quarterly (GCQ) is planning a special issue on underachievement and achievement motivation as it related to gifted students or giftedness, scheduled to be published in April 2020, and is currently soliciting proposals for manuscripts. We are seeking manuscripts that focus on the intersection of academic underachievement and achievement motivation at any age. Manuscripts must focus on both underachievement (an ability-achievement or ability-production discrepancy, distinct from low achievement) and motivation (student, teacher, or caregiver motivation). Authors should be sure to draw from established motivation frameworks and demonstrate a connection to high ability, giftedness, and/or talent.

Potential studies may include but are not limited to:

  • Longitudinal explorations of the development of underachievement alongside achievement motivation
  • Innovative approaches to preventing or reversing academic underachievement that draw on the power of motivation
  • Illustrations of how empirical inquiry into academic underachievement can provide new insights for achievement motivation theories

We are most interested in empirical research, but will consider proposals for strong theoretical manuscripts. We especially encourage manuscripts that are authored or co-authored by scholars who have not traditionally published within the gifted education field in order to showcase a diverse range of perspectives on the topic.

The deadline for proposal submissions is October 15, 2018. Prospective authors will find it useful to consult the general aim and scope for the journal at This issue will be guest edited by Dr. Kate Snyder (University of Louisville) and Dr. Stephanie Wormington (University of Virginia).

Proposals should include a title and a 150 – 250 word abstract.

The timeline for this special issue is as follows:

  • Proposals for manuscripts due on October 15, 2018.
  • Authors notified of invitation to submit no later than November 15, 2018. (The acceptance of a
    proposal does not guarantee acceptance of submitted manuscripts, as final manuscripts will go
    through masked review and must be accepted by the reviewers.)
  • Manuscripts due no later than January 15, 2019.
  • Reviews and action letters to authors by March 15, 2019.
  • Revisions due back from authors within 1 month of receipt.
  • Review and revision process continues through October, 2019. Authors are encouraged to make
    timely revisions, taking no more than 1 month, with each round of feedback.
  • Final accepted manuscripts completed and returned to guest editor by November 2019.
  • Authors review proofs of articles. The issue is due to production by December 15.
  • Issue published in GCQ Volume 64, Issue 2 – in April, 2020.

Submit proposals through an attached Word document by e-mail to GCQ Guest Editor of Special Issue, Dr. Kate Snyder, University of Louisville, at [email protected]. Manuscript submissions will be submitted electronically through the GCQ online submission page: If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact the Guest Editorial Staff at [email protected] and [email protected].