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Have you ever wondered how to reframe your scholarship with an educational policy lens? Perhaps you want to communicate your research to policymakers but aren’t sure what steps to take? Maybe you are looking for an environment in which you can connect and work with other educational psychology scholars within a policy arena? If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes” then we hope you can join us for our first ever policy workshop series.

The series will include three sessions. In the first workshop session, we will start with a panel discussion to learn from educational policy scholars about how they engage with and incorporate policy in their work. All workshop attendees will then have the opportunity to meet and work with colleagues who have similar research interests and who want to get involved with research associated with educational policy. The following two sessions will scaffold from the first, providing the space and opportunity for you to continue to learn how best to engage with educational policy and policymakers while also having dedicated time for you to work on developing your policy-oriented scholarship.  

  • Session 1: July 13th, 2022, 3:30 – 5:00 PM (EDT)

  • Session 2: September 14th, 2022, 3:30 – 5:00 PM (EDT)

  • Session 3: November 16th, 2022, 3:30 – 5:00 PM (EDT)

We hope you can join us for all three sessions (though of course you are welcome to attend even if you are unable to attend all three). If you are interested in joining us for one or all of the sessions, please complete the following registration form by June 30th, 2022. Once everyone has registered and the deadline has passed, we will send out additional information like workshop specifics and the Zoom link.

Registration form: 

Questions? Please contact Benjamin Brock: [email protected]