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State Policy Liaisons Needed – Make a Difference in Your State!

The Division 15 State Policy Liaison Committee needs you! Serving as a liaison is a way to effect change in your state with a minimal time commitment. We distribute the research-based policy briefs written by Division 15 members to state and local stakeholders via...

APA Division 15 Research Grant Opportunity 2023

Sponsored by Division 15’s Policy Committee  Division 15 invites proposals for educational psychology research projects that have direct implications for educational policy. We consider proposals from different theoretical and methodological perspectives, and...

JCCAP Special Issue on Informant Discrepancies: All Free to Access

The Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (JCCAP) has published a special issue on the most common outcome of assessments of youth mental health, namely discrepancies among the reports provided by informants such as parents, teachers, and youth...

Institute in Measurement MEthodology in Rural STEM Education (IMMERSE)

The University of South Carolina (UofSC), supported by the National Science Foundation, is pleased to announce the Institute in Measurement MEthodology in Rural STEM Education (IMMERSE). This professional development and research capacity-building training is directed...