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APA Disability Inclusion Survey

Our collective critical work is underway to improve and grow efforts around equity, diversity, and inclusion. APA is working to further diversify our workforce, expand access to our content and products, and address societal issues that inhibit the rights and...

2022-2023 SRCD U.S. Policy Fellowship Programs Call for Applications

The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) is seeking applicants for its prestigious SRCD U.S. Policy Fellowship Programs for the 2022-2023 academic year. The goals of the federal and state post-doctoral fellowship programs are to: provide fellows with...

Call for Proposal Reviewers – Division 15 at the 2022 APA Convention

The December 17th deadline for submitting research to the APA 2022 Convention is fast approaching! As such, Division 15 is looking for qualified graduate students, researchers, and practitioners to serve as submission reviewers. If you have reviewed for Division 15...