Jun 9, 2017
The 2017 APA Board of Directors nominations are now open! Nominations are sought for two member-at-large positions and one public member (non-psychologist) position. The term of service for these positions is January 1, 2018-December 31, 2020. As the result of an...
May 11, 2017
The Committee on Division/APA Relations (CODAPAR) of the American Psychological Association seeks proposals for collaborative projects sponsored by two or more APA divisions. The purpose of the program is to support joint activities that enhance the work, interests or...
Mar 30, 2017
The Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology (CDIP) of the American Psychological Association (APA) is soliciting nominations for the Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology Significant Contribution Award. This award recognizes an APA member who has made a...
Mar 28, 2017
The APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists is pleased to announce the achievement award program for early career members from all areas of psychology to attend APA’s Annual Convention this year, August 3-6 in Washington, DC. At least five award recipients...
Mar 24, 2017
At its meeting in February, 2017, APA Council voted a change to the APA Finance Committee slates. The Finance Committee is seeking nominations for SLATE 2, which shall be drawn from APA members who have demonstrated interest and expertise in organizational financial...
Feb 23, 2017
Event Held June 6 – 7, 2017 (Application deadline is April 15, 2017.) Qualcomm Institute at Calit2 University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA As the open science movement rapidly advances, the scientific community is growing to appreciate the benefits of data...