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Division 16 Third Annual School Psychology Anti-Racism UNconference

On behalf of the D16 Antiracism Workgroup we are pleased to invite you to the 3rd School Psychology Anti-Racism UNconference: When: November 17, 2024 12–5pm EST | 11 AM–4 PM CST | 10 AM–3 PM MST | 9 AM–2 PM PST | 7 AM–12 PM HST REGISTER HERE What is an UNconference?...

Free Division 15 Workshop: Understanding QuantCrit

You are invited to an interactive workshop on “Understanding QuantCrit,” hosted by the APA Division 15 Race and Diversity Committee and led by Dr. Wendy Castillo. This session will help you explore QuantCrit principles and consider how they can be applied...

SABER Midwest Annual Meeting

The Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) Midwest Regional Meeting will be October 4-6, 2024, at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, MO. Abstracts submissions for oral presentations, posters, Shark Tank, and workshops are...

Upcoming Division 15 Race and Diversity Committee Events

Don’t miss these upcoming events from the Division 15 Race and Diversity Committee! Syllabus Challenge – July 29-Aug 2 Join us for a 5-day online asynchronous challenge to learn about anti-colonial and anti-racist frameworks and read, reflect, and act on...