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Support Educational Psychology via APA’s Apportionment Ballot

If you are an APA member in addition to being a Division 15 member, you have received (or will receive shortly) a copy of APA’s Annual Apportionment Ballot. Because the outcome of this Apportionment Ballot is used to determine the number seats we have on the APA...

Call for Nominations for 2018 Executive Committee Positions

Division 15 seeks nominations (including self-nominations) for leadership roles within our organization.  Nominations will be reviewed by the Nominations Committee in preparation for a Division-wide vote in the spring.  Positions on this year’s ballot include: Vice...

2018 Outstanding Graduate Student Poster Award

Division 15 is offering two Outstanding Graduate Student Poster Awards. Students who have submitted proposals for the Division 15 2018 Program as first authors and would like to be considered for this award must submit their name and the title of their proposal to the...

Call for Nominations for Division 15 Fellow Status

Division 15 seeks applications for Fellow status from members who have made distinguished scholarly or scientific contributions to the field of educational psychology.  To be considered for Fellow status in the division during 2018, candidates must have been a member...

Call for 2018 APA Convention Collaborative Proposals

For the 2018 APA Convention, APA will continue to implement collaborative programming across divisions as a means of highlighting its unique role as a unifying force in psychology. We invite Division 15 members to propose collaborative sessions that would be of...

Division 15 Releases Inaugural Issue of One Tip

Dear Friends of the Division 15, I am delighted to introduce this inaugural issue of One Tip, linked here.  One Tip is a new initiative of the Membership Committee of the Division 15. In this short essay, senior scholars are invited to share their stories and...