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Submit Your AERA Contributions for Division 15 Recognition!

As we prepare for AERA’s Annual Meeting (Friday, April 13 – Tuesday, April 17, 2018 in New York, NY), we’d like to highlight the contributions of any attending Division 15 members via our annual “Division 15 at AERA” program. We encourage any...

Statement of APA President in Response to Florida High School Shooting

WASHINGTON, February 16, 2018 — Following is the statement of APA President Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, on the shooting at a Florida high school that killed 17 and injured at least 14 others: “Tragically, our nation is once again confronted with a school shooting,...

APA Requests Public Feedback on Potential Advocacy Organization Changes

APA has a special practice organization (referred to as APAPO) that is a C6 (can engage in lobbying) that was distinct from regular APA (a non-profit C3 organization).  APA recognizes now that the restriction of this lobbying group to only practice activities may be...

APA Calls for Consideration of Best Scientific Evidence by CDC, HHS

Guidance reflects pattern of devaluing science, APA asserts WASHINGTON — In the wake of news reports about Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other Health and Human Services employees being “banned” from using certain words, the American...