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Call for Chapter Proposals: Teaching Human Development for Educators

We are seeking proposals for chapters in an upcoming volume, Teaching Human Development for Educators, a volume in the series Theory to Practice: Educational Psychology for Teachers and Teaching: The series is...

Call for Reviewers: Division 15 at the 2021 APA Convention

The January 12th deadline for submitting research to the APA 2021 Convention is fast approaching! As such, Division 15 is looking for qualified graduate students, researchers, and practitioners to serve as submission reviewers. If you have reviewed for Division 15...

Call for Proposals for the 2021 APA Convention

Division 15 invites submissions for the 2021 annual APA convention to be held virtually August 12-15. The 2021 Presidential Theme for Division 15 will be Balance and Sustainability. We encourage submissions related to this theme and research in Educational...

An Open Invitation: Part III of the Division 15 ECEP Series!

We’re pleased to announce Part III of the Division 15 ECEP Series! This series is designed to provide ongoing opportunities to discuss critical issues impacting educational psychology scholars in the early stages of their careers. A major aim of this series is...

Winter Roundtable 2021 Call for Proposals

The 2021 Winter Roundtable is currently accepting proposal submissions! This year’s theme, a PANDEMIC of RACISM, focuses our attention on the effects of systemic racism and the COVID-19 pandemic within the disciplines of psychology and education. The 2021...

Call for Inaugural Editor – New Division 15 Journal

Division 15, Educational Psychology, of the American Psychological Association, seeks applicants for Editor or Co-Editors of a new Division 15 journal, tentatively titled, Educational Psychology: Policy and Practice (EP:P&P). The new editor(s) will serve as the...