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Call for Division 15 Policy Brief Proposals – 2020

Division 15 Policy Briefs synthesize existing educational psychology research that address policy issues of importance. These briefs use language and content that are accessible to policymakers and the general public. Division 15 will accept policy brief proposals...

Call for Proposals: Education Practice Briefs

The Ad Hoc Practice Committee of Division 15 (Educational Psychology) of the American Psychological Association seeks short proposals from members for Education Practice Briefs. The purpose of these briefs is to summarize educational research in an easily digestible...

Call for APA Convention Proposals – Division 15 (2020 Convention)

Division 15 invites submissions for the 2020 annual APA convention to be held in Washington, DC (August 6-9, 2020). The 2020 Presidential Theme for Division 15 will be A New Look at Some Old Ideas: Educational Psychology from Yesterday for Tomorrow. We encourage...